Some travel to escape and some to challenge their mental and physical limits, but Bhrigu Lake takes it one step further. Bhrigu Lake is the nearest spiritual destination for a human being.

Bhrigu Lake is situated at an altitude of 4300 meters in Rohtang Pass, Manali. The lake is named after Saptrishi Bhrigu, whose enchantment made the lake unfreezable. The lake is popular in northern states due to its mythological significance. A lot of tourists from Chandigarh, Bihar, UP and various towns in Punjab come to see the beautiful lake.

The Bhrigu Lake Trek: Overview

Bhrigu Lake Trek brings an opportunity to challenge their physical and mental limits.  The Bhrigu Lake Trek is popularly known for its winter trek.  A trek almost glacier-like feels like a simulation of climbing up Mount Everest.

The trek is an adventureous quest through in the beautiful Himalayan valley. It enroutes green grasslands, magnificent wildlife, and rocky terrain, existing at an altitude of 4300 meters.

The route to the lake goes through a misty mountain panoramic landscape with wild grassy wild and uneven rocky route. The trek starts from Gulaba village, on an off road near Vasistha paralllel to Kullu-Naggar Manali Road. The ending point of trek is near Van-Vihar National Park via New Beas Bridge in Manali.

You can rush to nearby Dhabaas, to enjoy local food, normal north Indian, or just snacks like Maggie with your loved ones.

It is an amazing summer trek location too. The weather is slightly chilling with snow patches over grasses. The lake changes color to emerald green, and its accessible location ending point proves handy to hire a taxi to nearby hillstations. National opens up for people, visitors, and wildlife to come out of its hibernation.

So before coming here read this blog. It will guide you through the natural landscape, adventurous campsites, trekking essentials and  precautionary measures to follow during the trek.

Bhrigu Lake in Winters
Bhrigu Lake in Winters

Preparing for The Bhrigu Lake Adventure

The Bhrigu Lake trek is enduring glacial trek in winters. It tests one’s endurance, with its rocky terrain, snow blizzarding weather. Trekkers find it difficult to trek on steep-rocky terrain. It tests their stamina, and challenge their physical limits.

Please, come prepared for this chilling trek, put on your warm clothes like sweatshirts, and thick-skinned shoes.  Do not forget to grab your trekking poles and head torches, it will help you at midnight.

Also do get the Indian government verified identification document, even the driving license and Voter ID card will also go. In case you are international tourist, carry your travel visa and passport to book yourself to get admission in the camps.

The Bhrigu lake Trek Itself

 The Bhrigu Lake trek goes through a beautiful Himalayan valley, consisting of green grasslands, magnificent wildlife, and rocky terrain at an altitude of 4300 meters.

The route to the lake goes through a misty mountain panoramic landscape with wild grassy wild and uneven rocky route.

The trek starts near Vasistha along Kullu-Naggar Manali Road to Manali, it ends near Van-Vihar National Park, near New Beas Bridge in Manali.

The trek is worth a once-in-a-lifetime thrill not only because of the thrill but also because it allows celebrating moments with loved ones.

You can rush to Dhabaas nearby to enjoy local food, normal north Indian, or just snacks like Maggie.

Feel the thrill of winter even in the summers, the weather is almost chilling most of the time, you can see patches of snow even till mid-July; moreover, at the end of the trek you land near a National Park, Van Vihar National Park, which is an accessible location to hire and hike a taxi to Shimla airports.

Hotels like Mohan Palace, Sun Park Resort, and Himalayan Wood Cottage will be better.

Bhrigu Lake in Summer
Bhrigu Lake in Summer

Bhrigu Lake – A Jewel in The Mountains

The Bhrigu Lake trek goes through a beautiful Himalayan valley, consisting of green grasslands, magnificent wildlife, and rocky terrain at an altitude of 4300 meters. The route to the lake goes through, misty mountain panoramic landscape with wild grassy wild and uneven rocky route.

The breathtaking Bhrigu Lake is situated amidst the alpine forest, the heavenly waters look against the backdrop of magnificent snow-capped peaks.

The Bhrigu Lake trek goes through a beautiful Himalayan valley, consisting of green grasslands, magnificent wildlife, and rocky terrain at an altitude of 4300 meters. The route to the lake goes through a misty mountain panoramic landscape with wild grassy wild and uneven rocky route.

The breathtaking Bhrigu Lake is situated amidst the alpine forest, the heavenly waters look amazing against the backdrop of the magnificent snow-capped Pir-Panjal Range. The vicinity of the Gulaba village is pleasing to the eyes and a glimpse of the magnificent Hanuman Tibba fills one with thrills.

There is various folklore about the heavenly lake, it is said Maharshi Bhrigu blessed the lake to never freeze. Maharishi is one of the Saptrishi of the Satya Yuga, the sage that plays a role in keeping the foundation of the earth intact in each yuga.

According to the legend in Hinduism, a Saptrishi is like a high Priest who bears the knowledge of the universe. Saptrishi was blessed by his father Deity Varuna, the deity of water. When Maharishi in Satya Yuga was in deep austerity, with his chanting the lake absorbed divine power to never freeze. Thus, till the end of the earth, and even if the human race becomes extinct after a million years in the future, it will still sustain itself as it is.

Camping in the Himalayas:  Top 5 High-Altitude campsite near Bhrigu Lake Trek 

Coming to Himachal, camping becomes a must-try thing, and Bhrigu Lake trek becomes an amazing place to experience the same. The Trek goes varied terrain, and weather and nearby atmosphere chances with a slight ascend towards the peak.

Campsite near Bhrigu Lake
Campsite near Bhrigu Lake

Even, in the mid-June to mid-July one can see patches of snow surrounding the lake, at the hilltop. The temperature hovers near 0 degree Celsius, but in lowland one can experience an even, temperate atmosphere in glassy valleys. Thus choosing a campsite must be a campsite for both, beginner and trained trekkers. here, we have listed you top 5 High-Altitude campsite near Bhrigu Lake Trek: –

Gulaba Campsite

Gulaba is a picnic location to flock in spring and is an Paragliding point with a high cliff atmosphere.

In spring time one can see clouds passing through your way. The way is an amazing green uphill grassland and embellished with beautiful flowers.

In winter, you can expect chilling windy weather, often storming in peak winter and monsoon months, January, and August respectively.

It is also an amazing place to tour, one can ride cable cars to reach the hilltop, by paying 400 bucks. The facility is usually available in the spring season, you can expect to board it in winter.

Rola Koli Campsite

Rola Koli campsite is a campsite along Rola Koli road to Manali, the campsite is one of the most preferred campsites, for its time-saving location and winter chilling weather.

This is a winter campsite that brings up the best glacial adventure and often receives hailstorms in the monsoon season. It is a perfect location for adventure lovers and tough guys who want to test their endurance. Thus, it’s not for a beginner.

Rola Koli campsite, unlike the Gulaba campsite covers more stalls and locals shacks, being a preferred location for die hard trekkers, even the campsite helps to get you the facility available at knock-down price.

Chaudha Mode Campsite

Chaudha mode campsite is a campsite, wherein you can experience below zero-degree temperature in summer, enjoy a paranoiac view of Aravalli peak. Site provides best glacial trek throughout the year, but one must visit it in spring, around mid-march to April end,

The trekking here in spring provides you a beautiful opportunity to see the floral landscape, a flower bed with distinct flowers, gives enigmatic joy to the eyes.

Chuadaha mode campsite falls at a hour more distance from Gulaba Snow point.

Mountain Sojourns Campsite

Cold weather and high mountainous conditions that how you can perfectly describe mountain Sojourn Campsite. A perfect trek for daredevils is 10-minute distance from Solang Valley. The temperature goes below -5 degrees in peak winter months.

The location is not only for daredevils, also for greenery lovers. The campsite receives lush flower beds from spring to mid-summer season; moreover, you can visit stations nearby tourist sites like Solang Valley, Jwara  and Hampta pass, on the way back from Brigu lake trek. It will give ample activities and sports to do all day.

Jawara campsite

Jawara is a spring campsite location near Bhrigu Lake, it is situated a few minutes distance from Mountain Sojourn campsite. When one moves from the Mountain Sojourn campsite to Jwara the nature stays to display magnificent colors.

The flower bed with beautiful violet, maroon, yellow, red and blue flowers will roll for you to walk on. A dreamy location, where you would rather like to lie down and watch the clouds moving in the sky or have night campfires and gaze beautiful starry sky,

The campsite has good food, emergency medical aids and spare trekking gears available as the rest of the campsite mentioned above.

Flora and Fauna

The Bhrigu Lake trek comes with exciting landscape, you get to see alpine forest, apple orchard and serene crystal-clear water, but a portion of the trek gets very less clout and that is Himalayan vegetation and habitat around the Bhrigu Lake.

The divine lake is an oasis of nature’s creatures. Nature paints a canvas of pink and azure sky, sweet scent of Rhododendron, captivating glimpse of juniper and orchestrating melody of musical Magpie and wood-beating woodpeckers. The rare Black Asiatic bears and the magnificent ibex also add to the beautiful backdrop of grassy hills.

Often in summers you may crossroad with the local Shepheard community, the “ Gaddis’, who  move with their  flock of sheep to the mountainous region for grazing.

Challenges and Rewards

Bhrigu lake trek is mentally and physically challenging location:  steep rocky terrain, cold mountainous region and higher altitude endurance are few of the physical challenges that people face.

Mental challenge is also something to venture on, despite being a short trek to the high location, it takes your mental endurance. The trek location is cold with altitude and one can be short of breath; thus, to stay conscious becomes a challenge for some people.

It requires a will and mind of a sage to climb uphill to the heavenly lake, and to reward oneself from with blissful view of pristine lake and alpine meadows

Sightseens near Bhrigu Lake
Sightseens near Bhrigu Lake

Local Culture and Cuisine

Bhrigu Lake is situated in the Gulaba Village, which gets its name from a Dogra king. Gulab Singh Dogra.  The Gulaba village came under the dominion of Dogra Dynasty, till the time of Indo-China war.  

Dogra were Hindu enthusiasts that worshiped the most powerful sages of Hindu Mythology, The Gulab village is surrounded by the temple and natural features named after Highly spiritual Sages.  Like Maharishi Vasistha and Bhrigu.

The communities residing here are major devotees of Lord Shiva. Even a few kilometers away you can see a temple called Bijli Mahadev, which has a protective Linga, which takes the lighting during major thunderstorms and breaks.

The mesmerism fact is, that the Linga rises like a phoenix, and grows again.  

Packing List and Essentials For Bhrigu Lake Trek

On a trek to Bhrigu Lake. One must carry trekking essentials and various other things for better survival. Here are few things that one must not forget while coming here: –

  • Take a weather tracker to track weather, in case, acclimatization is an issue.
  •   For winter pack your Jackets and sweatshirts for the winter weather.
  • Do carry ID proof like Aadhar Card, Voter ID, Passport etc., camps demand it.
  • Have tough and grippy boots as the route is rocky and steep. Pack your camp, folding beds, trekking poles, and lunch box and water,
  •   Bottles to keep yourself energized and hydrate yourself throughout the trek.


The Bhrigu lake is an amazing location, both a bliss to nature lovers and daredevils, it gives a great adrenaline rush and healthy dopamine, to  visit a place that’s  heaven on earth. 

The trek is one of the favorite treks for Trek lovers. It has an intermediate difficulty level, one must  not judge without facing ground level.. Though it’s a  little difficult,  it can be discarded as not a beginner thing absolutely.  

If you are a little acclimatized to the weather, and  take care of your health it can make trek easier and memorable. No matter what one’s level one must not shy away from experiencing heaven. So pack your bags, follow our guidelines and board your vehicle for the amazing trek to Bhrigu lake.